Monday, February 9, 2015

Feb 9 - Tom Vek

I'm gonna try to watch the Grammys tonight. Apparently they happened yesterday, which I learned from reading the news. I somehow managed to miss any notification that they were coming up beforehand, though. As much as I don't like mainstream music, I do love an awards show.

I'm hoping it'll be available on my fake Chinese satellite IP TV thing. I'm not sure how they decide what gets on there and what doesn't, and it will abruptly change and shows I want to watch will go missing. But luckily there's always movies on there, and the Golden Globes were up super fast, so hopefully the Grammys will be, too. I'm just upset I already know who some of the winners are, it's much less fun that way. Stupid news.

One person who is not a winner (or even a nominee, as far as I know) is Tom Vek. But he is a winner in my book. I think he's got a bunch of older music, but I only learned about him last year when I heard Sherman (Animals in the Jungle) during a trip home. It caught my attention immediately, probably because it sounds so much like TV On The Radio (which is why I've written about him today, to keep with yesterday's theme). In the end, though, my favorite track off of last year's album Luck is not the one that caught my attention in the first place, but actually A Mistake. Great song.

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