Monday, June 15, 2015

Jun 15 - Sam Amidon

Oy, what a day. I'm in Shenzhen, where it's hot as balls. Hotter than balls, even. I guess it depends on whose balls, but chances are it's hotter than anyone's balls. But on the bright side, it seems like we might be close enough to Hong Kong that I don't need a VPN, because I'm not on one right now and Gmail and Facebook and my blog are all working. Or maybe it's just the hotel. Either way, it's pretty great.

It was a very tiring day, though. I left the house at 5:30 to catch my flight down here, then spent the whole day running back and forth between hotels trying to pick a unique and interesting venue for a VIP event we have next month (which I was just told about and had to find time to run down here and plan, somewhere in between my other events and meetings and travel schedule). But I found some good places, and finally got back to my hotel to relax at 7:30pm, only to find out that my event Wednesday might be a little bit fucked, thanks to a dumbass of a colleague who doesn't know how to count and has now potentially invited more people than we can fit in our room. So I'm trying to deal with that.

And I have no idea what song pick. So you get a random song from one of my Spotify playlists, which is Blue Mountains by Sam Amidon. I obviously liked it, because I starred it on Spotify, but I don't remember it. Although listening to it now, I do kind of remember it. And it seems it's off of an album last year called Lily-O, which must not have been good because this seems to be the only song off of it that caught my attention. And now that I'm getting further into the song, I do remember being disappointed in the album but still liking this song a lot. And what do you know, it's good for my mental state at the moment. It's soothing.

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