Monday, June 8, 2015

Jun 8 - Tanlines

Alright so I've promised to talk about my weekend. It was a very good weekend. Saturday I had plans for a boozy brunch at this new place across the street from me, which although my friend Zanele (one of the main reasons for the brunch) could not attend, was still lovely. Although it also turned out that I was the only one to do free flow on the sparkling wine, which is weird. Who goes to free flow brunch and doesn't order free flow? But anyway, that is what happened. So I got really drunk while everyone else drank. From there, it was on to the Bund to hang out at the beach. Because yes, apparently there is a beach on the Bund. I had heard of this place before, and as it turns out Saturday was probably the nicest day of the year so far here in Shanghai, and there was a big beach party going on, so we went and hung out there. Highlights included the weather, the beach, the view, and me telling one of the girls we were with that I wanted to sleep with her. Pretty much in those exact words, from what (little bit) I can remember. Classy. As luck would have it, though, there was also free flow at the beach. So by the time I made this comment I can only hope that she was drunk enough not to remember me saying it. Who knows. All in all, a fantastic day, that ended up with me eating tacos and getting to bed early. Lovely.

The weather took a turn for the worse on Sunday, but the day did not. In fact, it may have taken a turn for the better. How is this possible, you ask? Well start the day off with a date with a nice, Jewish girl, and you've got a winner. As you might or might not know (depends on how often you read my blog) I have been trying to date this year. And I've been doing a good amount of it. But none of it with Jews, and all of it through online platforms. I actually started feeling in the last couple of weeks like I need to take a break from the online dating. And luck would have it that I met a nice, Jewish girl. So dim sum was had in the garden at my new favorite spot in Shanghai. Good chats too. At one point I looked at my watch and saw it was about 1:15, which seemed weird to me because I thought we'd been there for a while and I definitely was not bored, so I didn't understand how it could have only been like an hour or so. But then I remember we actually met at like 11:30 (because dim sum), and it had actually been an hour longer than I thought. And then it went on for like another hour. And we saw Yao Ming (who's really let himself go...).

And this was just the start. Then I spent a few hours with my friend Bryna, who I had a fantastic day exploring with last week, which ended in us eating lots of free chocolate at an EcoFest, and then having Austrian food in a new restaurant with swings for chairs and a big slide down from the 2nd floor bathrooms. And despite the shitty weather, we always managed to bike without getting horribly soaked. No complaints here!

As for music, we're going with Tanlines today. They put out a new album, Highlights, a couple weeks ago, which is really fun. It's been making the rounds on the blogs and playlists, and now it's my turn. This song specifically, Slipping Away, has probably gotten the most action (listen and you'll understand why), though it is far from the only great song on the album. There are quite a few.

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