Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Jun 3 - Florence and the Machine

Finally made it back to Shanghai, and it was quite the pleasant morning and flying experience. I got upgraded to business class, which is a first for Air China, and only the 2nd time when I have a Star Alliance flight, so that was nice. And then the guy next to me started chatting to me. Normally I'd hate that, but he was actually really great. We spent almost the entire flight chatting, and he was just asking about what I think the difference is between China and Western culture and values, and then we got onto religion, and we were discussing the history of religion and differences between the religions and their values and all kinds of stuff, and it was great. I don't have many conversations like this with Chinese people, and when I do I love it. And it was great to be able to discuss all this stuff in Chinese, which is also something I don't do much, so I'm happy to know that I still can. His daughter is actually going to UCI right now, and he goes to the US regularly and lives in Beijing. We're supposed to keep in touch, so we'll see how that goes. Nice guy, though. And now I'm home just hanging out. I'm about to watch the new Game of Thrones, so I'll end it here because I'm excited.

But before that, today's song. Florence and the Machine put out a new album yesterday, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, which is basically the most exciting thing ever. Or so you'd think. Florence is one of my favorites. I think she's the saviour of pop music, and one of the only amazing things going on in pop music at the moment. But her third album seems a bit watered down to me. The first two albums are full of drums and varied instrumentation and harps and passion, and this one just seems to be missing something to me. It's still a solid album, and maybe I'll grow to love it after a few more listens, but after the first one I'd say it's good, but a bit disappointing. I did have extremely high expectations, though. There is one standout track to me, which is by far the best, and that is Third Eye (the bonus tracks are also quite good). After a few more listens I may blog about this album again, but for now we'll go with Third Eye. The album just came out, and this isn't a single, which means today it's the Spotify track.

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