Thursday, April 16, 2015

Apr 16 - Boxed In

I just finished packing for my flight tonight. I'm headed to Germany for our big annual In-House Exhibition. We basically invite our customers from all over the world to come and hang out and drink for 4 days. So I get to do the same. And then I get to spend 2 days in Munich with friends on the way back. And I get to buy a new phone because the Euro is super weak right now and I can get a VAT refund. Should be a good week!

I just need to load a bit more music onto my iPod before going. I'm using the old iPod cause I haven't gotten the new one fixed yet, which means there are a few albums missing that I just might want. Specifically the new D'Angelo and the new Laura Marling. I've already got the newest stuff on there, though, since I've been using it for a couple of weeks. And that includes Boxed In's eponymous debut album. Boxed In is what made me go back and listen to LCD Soundsystem. A few Boxed In songs really remind me of LCD Soundsystem, so needless to say I've really been enjoying their album this week as well. So far I've got two favorites, but the song of the day will be my first favorite, which is the opening track, Mystery.

Just in case you were wondering, my other favorite is False Alarm. But all around it's a great album, so just go listen to the whole thing.

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