Thursday, April 23, 2015

Apr 23 - The Talking Heads

I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my flight back to Shanghai, having a glass of wine and as much apfelschorle as possible before leaving Germany. Schorle is probably one of my favorite things about Germany, it's basically juice with soda water. Super easy, and super delicious. And I never thought to make it at home until this morning. And I think that once I'm back in Shanghai, I'm gonna make it all the time. It's the best.

But yeah, back to Shanghai, luckily just in time for the weekend. It was a long week of work, then I had my free time in Munich. Got my new phone and a new 8TB wifi hard drive, that will hopefully become one of the central points of my home. And a surprising amount of food, pretty much all for my friend Zabrina. I actually don't know how I fit all this stuff, plus the baby stuff I got for my friend Leping, into my suitcase. I'm kind of impressed with myself this time.

And once again I'm sitting in the lounge writing. And today's song is This Must Be The Place, by The Talking Heads. Just like other classic artists I've shared songs by, I can't say I'm a Talking Heads fan. Not that I dislike them, just that I don't really know them. But This Must Be The Place haunts me. It will pop into my head unexpectedly every few months, and I can't make it go away. There is just something brilliant about it. Honestly, I listen to it and I feel like it's kind of corny in so many ways, super cliched 80s stylings, and I shouldn't like it at all. But I can't help loving it. Loving it to the point that I think it's becoming one of my favorite songs ever.

And to make matters worse (or better), I read the lyrics. I'm usually one for music over lyrics, and I often don't pay attention to lyrics until I somehow have managed to memorize all of them, and then I realize I know them all and never actually paid attention to them. But it also usually turns out that the songs which I love for the music, I usually end up loving for the lyrics as well once I start paying attention. And that goes so much so for this song. I love the lyrics. It really connects with me on so many levels, whether you're thinking about home or about love or about how can be mutually exclusive but also (obviously) so interconnected. Anyway, now I'm just blabbering. So anyway listen to the song and I hope you fall in love with it like I have.

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