Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sept 15 - Georgia

Today was my only day in the office this week. I love it when I have one-day-in-the-office weeks. Last week was one, this week is one, next week is one. It's great. The downside is that when I'm not in the office, I'm usually out of town traveling. It would be nice if I wasn't in the office but also was in Shanghai instead. But anyway, it was my one day in the office, so I was quite busy. It did not, however, stop me from spending my last hour or so of the day researching what to do in my upcoming vacation to Georgia, which starts in 11 days. Then I went and ate grilled cheese (also I tried a Bloody Ceaser for the first time and as much as I hate to admit it, it was fantastic) which was way overdue cause I used to go once a week and it's been like a month since I was there. Then I came home and skyped and packed (about my upcoming trip and because I'm leaving in the morning on a work trip to Tianjin) and now here we are. So nice good busy day.

And before I move on to watching TV and doing nothing, here's a song for you. I really should wait 11 days to share it, but I've already waited like 30 days to share it and don't want to anymore. Today's song is from Georgia, an amazing new British artist. She's like 20 and makes ridiculously awesome music, like dirty-electro-industrial pop, and she does it all herself. She says she's influenced by Missy Elliot. I guess at times I hear it. The M.I.A. comparisons are also obvious. But whatever, she's great. I've been waiting to share her for a day when I post to Facebook, since I want everyone to know about her, but I don't do that much anymore so I don't want to keep waiting. But then I was like, well I should wait until I go to Georgia to post about Georgia. But not to worry, posting about her now does not mean I won't post about her again in 11 days. So anyway, today's song is Move Systems, the first track I heard off of her eponymous debut album, and still one of the best. She's fucking awesome.

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