Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jan 1 - Klo

I've decided to try something new this year. I know someone who posted a picture for every day of the year last year, and I like that idea. So then I thought, maybe I'd try to do it with a song for this year. So I'm going to try (and fail, I'm sure. In fact I've technically already failed because it's 12:45 and officially January 2, but it's still January 1 at home so I'll count it).

I gave some thought to whether I should pick a meaningful song for special days such as this. Maybe the first day of the new year should have a song which reflects that. But then I don't care so much. If I have a song that I think is particularly fitting for a day then I'll share it on that day. But if not, then I'll just share whatever I feel like. So today you get whatever I feel like. Nothing meaningful.

This also means I'll probably have a bunch of posts which are just a song and a couple sentences about it. No stories or photos for the most part. If I have something to share I will, but I can't be bothered to write a full post every day.

So my first song for 2015 is a group that I'm hoping to hear more of in 2015, Klo. The Australian duo put out an EP last year, Cusp, which I just bought and enjoy a lot. I listened to it a few times before realizing they remind me of Little Dragon, which is probably part of the reason I like them a lot and am hopeful there will be more music. So here's my favorite song by them, Under Lie.

And with that, hopefully we're on to something new for the year which I won't fail too miserably at.

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