Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jan 15 - Fleet Foxes

I went out to Nanjing to look at hotels today. It's for a conference we're going to be holding there in March. Lately that's a big part of my job - looking at hotels and planning conferences. Actually I kind of hate it, but luckily it's not the only thing I do. And it gets me out of the office, which I like.

The problem today was that when I got back, I got in a cab from the train station to come home, and as I got out my iPod fell out of my pocket. This is my 3 month old iPod classic, which has now been discontinued. So I was not very pleased about it not coming with me. Luckily I got a receipt for the cab, which means I had all the necessary info and was able to get my iPod back pretty quickly and easily, with a minimal tip paid to the driver for bringing it, something I was happy to pay.

If I'm being honest, this is not the first time I've lost something in a cab. Generally I'm pretty good at life and do not lose things, but I drunkenly lost a phone in North Carolina once. That was fun. This was about a year and a half ago when I went to Asheville, North Carolina for a wedding, then spent a few days in Charlotte with friends. After a night out celebrating one friend's birthday (which included the weirdest and best show at a possible gay bar ever, involving blow up mushrooms and snake puppets and I think songs about touching bums) we got in a cab back to our hotel, and when I got out of the cab my phone did not. This led to about 2 hours of me trying to get the hotel to help me look for security footage of us getting out of the cab to try and find a license plate number or even a company logo on the car, then calling all the cab companies in Charlotte which had red cars. I also spent the next morning talking to random cab drivers on the street just in case they were the guy who had my phone. We also called the phone with no luck.

In the end, my amazing friends managed to track down our Somali cab driver and get my phone back, give him a reward which he didn't even want, and ship the phone back to my parents in California so I could pick it up before leaving to go back to Singapore (confession: it just took me a few tries to remember where I was living when this happened. I think I need to stop moving so much...). I have some good friends.

Anyway, today it was much easier. In part because I got the receipt. otherwise who knows what would have happened. But within an hour I had my iPod back. And what was I listening to when I lost it? That would be Helplessness Blues, off of the album Helplessness Blues, by Fleet Foxes. Fantastic song which would have been missed. Now it won't be.

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