Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan 25 - Little Dragon. Again.

I'm sitting at HK Airport waiting for my ferry back to China, and I have an hour to kill. So now is the perfect time for another blog. I just spent the last week leading up to Laneway, and it finally happened yesterday. I actually had a hard time wrapping my head around it until I was there for some reason. It seemed like this distant, upcoming event that all of a sudden was here. Even more so than other big things I've been excited about, like my trip to South America with my sister last year. I think part of it is because in the back of my mind I was sure that it somehow wouldn't work out and I'd miss my flight and I wouldn't go. But it did work out and I did make my flight and I did go. And it was fantastic. The view helps too.

Laneway main stage at Gardens by the Bay

As expected, Little Dragon was my favorite act of the day, which is why I'm sharing another song by them today. They came out right after it got dark, they had some awesome lighting, Yukimi Nagano was in this long sleeved yukata thingy, and they killed it. I managed to get up pretty close, and I was having a party for one, even if nobody else around me was dancing much. I'm definitely that guy at concerts who dances when nobody else is. I don't understand people who just stand there, especially at shows like Little Dragon. Or CHVRCHES, when I saw them in Munich, and nobody seemed to be enjoying themselves. Well, I always enjoy myself at shows.

Little Dragon

My favorite song of the set is one of my favorites off of last year's Nabuma Rubberband, Killing Me. It has a ridiculous bass line, and it was ridiculously good live. Give it about 10 seconds and you'll see what I mean.

Little Dragon was not the only highlight, of course. The only other act that really stood out to me was St. Vincent, which was to be expected. I saw her last year and she was amazing, and the same applied this time. My only complaint is that it seemed like she did pretty much the same set that I remember from the last show. But it did include some favorites (Cruel, Cheerleader, Give Me Your Loves, Digital Witness, etc).

Royal Blood was also a standout to me. They were all over everyone's radars last year, and they make some solid rock music, but nothing that really caught me. But to see just the two of them up on stage making good, solid rock was very impressive. Similarly, FKA Twigs really impressed me. I mentioned how I'm not her biggest fan. I enjoy her and find her intriguing, but she doesn't grab me like she does everyone else. And I had seen some live performances on YouTube and was actually somewhat disappointed. It always felt like something was missing in the videos, but nothing was missing last night. She has an incredible voice and amazing control of her voice, too. The third surprisingly good act was Jungle, who also fall into this category of being all over everyone's radars last year, and me enjoying but not loving as much as everyone else. But their set was a party. Good times.

Then we have the category of those who were somewhat disappointing. Sadly Angus & Julia Stone and Banks fall into that category, but not because I didn't enjoy them. Actually, both of them were pretty solid live. The only problem was both of them pretty much just performed their albums and did nothing different or new. I might as well have been listening to their albums. I loved Banks's set because I love her music, and I was dancing and singing along to every word, but it had nothing to do with her being a particularly good performer or putting on a particularly good show. So that was a bit disappointing because she was probably one of the artists I was most looking forward to seeing. But she is super sexy and I do still love her. And so is Julia Stone and I love her even more after watching her play the trumpet on Private Lawns.

Anyway, all in all a great day and hopefully next year I'll make it back again. And hopefully they'll invite Lucius next year, cause I'd like them to come to Asia.

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