Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jan 31 - the one and only PPL MVR

Ozzie and I had a wonderful day today. He's super chill so he was just hanging out until I woke up, which turned out to be around 8am, I'm an early riser, even on the weekends when I'm out until 2am. It's kind of annoying, but at least it gives me plenty of opportunity for napping, which I did do today. And which I love. We had like 3 walks, we met a pretty girl, we ate grilled cheese sandwiches, we started the final season of Parks & Recreation, and we took a nap. All in all a great day. And up next we're heading to one of my favorite Chinese restaurants for dinner. Well, Ozzie won't be coming to this one, but I'm still excited about it. Even if it's the going away party for one of my favorite people in Shanghai.

I also spent today listening to People Mover by the one and only PPL MVR. I think these guys only have one song. I think they're from LA. I know they dress up like weird monkey sasquatches. I think they hate vowels. I know I like what I think is their one and only song.

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