Friday, January 23, 2015

Jan 24 - Little Dragon

Well folks, today is the day. Today is the day I am finally back in a warm climate and I can put on shorts and sandals. And I'm ecstatic about it.

Oh and there's a little music festival I'm super excited about. I've shared a lot of the artists I'm excited about seeing, in increasing levels of excitement, and today you find out who I'm most excited to see. For me, it's an obvious choice - Little Dragon. I've had a sad, sad history of not seeing Little Dragon in concert, which I've already chronicled on this blog (along with ridiculous South African pop). But now I will finally see them, and I can't wait. I just hope that they have time in their short festival set to play some of my older favorites, like Constant Surprises and Twice, both off their first album. I actually listened to all their albums again yesterday during my long commute from Dongguan to Singapore, and realized how well Twice works as an opening track, and would love it if they opened with that. But that's not what you're hearing today, you're hearing Constant Surprises, because it is still my favorite track by them.

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