Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Aug 19 - Daughter

I missed what I think is my first day in August. But I'm allowed a miss here and there. I want to say it was mostly due to being tired, but it was a mix of that and not being able to think of a song and being too tired to figure it out. So I just didn't. Plus it would've been a lot to write. But I'm doing my pre-writing thing now, to sum up yesterday, and I'll finish tonight so as not to miss another.

I think we left off before dinner in NYC on Sunday, which was wonderful. We went to my friend Miguel's restaurant, called El Mono. It's apparently a super hot spot which everyone loves, and I can now tell you why. Obviously because of Miguel. Also the food is great, but you know, Miguel. My friend Adam and his wife Melissa came out with my parents and I, and we ate for about 3 hours. It was the best kind of eating, too, which is tapas where you don't order and just get served wonderful, delicious things, and all share. Plus lots of wine. All in all, a great combination. My favorite dishes were this eggplant starter thing they gave us, a rabbit cooked 3 ways that came towards the end of the meal (and I never liked rabbit before), these massive sardines, and dessert. Specifically bay leaf donuts, which were awesome.

Then we passed out and woke up early and drove to Niagara. It was a long day, and what should have taken 6.5 hours took about 12. But we did some outlet shopping, and we had Five Guys, and upstate New York is really pretty (and super rural, which I knew but still it's surprising just how rural it is). We finally made it to Niagara Falls in time to pass out. Well, my dad had a snack, I passed out. I've been doing that a lot.

And yesterday was the Falls. We had a wander around in the morning and tried out Tim Hortons (which was super disappointing, sorry Canada). On our wander, I realized that Niagara Falls is a super weird town. It's like a mix between a mini Las Vegas (but only Circus Circus) and a mini-golf-kids-playland type amusement park that you'd find on the side of the highway. The Falls themselves are also a bit underwhelming. They're very nice, but I think I've just seen bigger and better, like when I went to Victoria Falls earlier this year. That was awesome. But they are still really nice, and we had a beautiful view from our room. The Canadian side has definitely gotta be the better side, too, so we probably got one of the best views there is of the Falls, period.

We took a short bus tour while we were there, that had two main attractions. The first was the tunnels behind the Falls, which takes you about 150m underground towards the base of the Falls and lets you see them from behind. But it's only got a couple little openings so you actually don't see too much. Then we got to go onto the boat that takes you to the base of the Falls. That was pretty awesome. It's really great to see them up close, and to feel the spray and get soaked. And we had some family selfie fun, in which my mother tried to take selfies, I think for the first time ever, and was not so great at it. She kept looking up at the camera so you'd just see her chin. I had to hold her head in place to get a good one. But she's learning, and we ended up with a hilarious series.

Then today we drove down to Philadelphia. The day did not go well, to put it lightly. We had a few interpersonal issues, as all families do. I won't go into details, but anyway it was not a pleasant day. Which leads me to today's song, Landfill, by Daughter. Beautiful song. Sad song. Fits my mood pretty accurately at the moment.

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