Saturday, August 8, 2015

Aug 8 - Maximum Balloon

Today has been a pretty successful day, and it's only 4pm! The morning started with things getting repaired around the apartment, and my internet being upgraded (it's still kind of shitty though, cause China), the dim sum which I've been craving, and errands. Mostly grocery shopping, which I never do. But I'm having a dinner party tonight and I want to make tinga later this week, so I've been preparing. My apartment is also in order now, we hung up the masks and everything and it's all good to go. Right in time for a dinner party.

But before everyone comes by and I get busy, a bit of music. Today is Apartment Wrestling by Maximum Balloon feat. David Byrne. This is a side project by Dave Sitek from TV on the Radio and it's got some great tracks, and great collaborations. The album is already like 5 years old, but it's a good one.

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