Sunday, August 9, 2015

Aug 9 - Nadine Shah

Today was a pretty wonderful, pretty lazy day. My dinner party went really well last night, except for one almost hitch, where the stove wouldn't turn on when we tried to use it. But we called the gas company and they showed up in about 15 minutes instead of the 4 hours they said, so we got lucky and everything went well. And so did the dinner. And now I know how to make chicken piccatta. If only I knew how to spell it...

Surprisingly, I felt pretty good today. I say surprisingly not because I drank a lot (which I did), but because I have been sick and so only intended to drink 1 glass of wine, which turned into much more than 1 glass of wine, so I totally expected to wake up even sicker than I began. But oddly I woke up feeling even better. I blame it on the salad dressing my friend Cy made (which was full of citrus and vitamin C and deliciousness) and the lemon sauce (which was full of butter and probably helped smooth things out in my throat).

Then today was spent relaxing and antiquing. And eating burritos. I went to the big antique warehouse out in Pudong, in search of a stool to put by the door to put my shoes on, and a couple of small trays, one for food and one for candles. I ended up with pretty much exactly what I wanted. The stool isn't the shape I had in mind, but it's nicer than what I was imagining, so that's good. And one of the trays is bigger than I intended to buy, but it's exactly the style I want and I love how it looks on my coffee table. Which reminds me, my favorite moment last night was when my one friend told me that my place looked really well curated and lived in. I always think I have a way of picking out nice things, but then have no idea what to do with them once I've got them. But apparently I'm getting better at that! So that made me very happy.

After antiques, it was just chilling out, and I started watching the new season of True Detective, which is pretty great so far. I don't think it'll compare to Season 1 (that seems to be the consensus), but I'm 2 episodes in and I like it. And there's this singer girl in it who plays at the background in some bar scenes, who I've learned is called Lera Lynn. I really like what she's doing in the show, and intend to find out more about her, but in the meantime I'll put a new (to me) artist who reminds me of her, Nadine Shah. I actually have been meaning to post about Nadine for a while and just never got around to it. I gave her new album, Fast Food, a listen a few times when it first came out, and it took me some time to make my mind up about it. But I decided I'm a fan. A pretty big fan. So here's Divided, probably my favorite track off of Fast Food.

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