Monday, August 3, 2015

Aug 3 - Regina Spektor

The house is starting to look like a real house! I'm about 75% of the way done I'd say. Everything is unpacked, and things are somewhat in place, but there's also still a lot scattered around waiting to find a home. But so close! I can't wait to be finished. It was another long day of unpacking after work today, but tomorrow will be a bit of a break as I have dinner plans. Although I am gonna try to make plans turn into ordering in... We'll see.

Today's song comes to you by way of Regina Spektor. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but I do like her more than average. I feel like most of the time, she makes good solid music. But when she gets something right, it is amazing and perfect. And, as I mentioned yesterday, I feel like at this point in the year I should also start thinking about what songs have to get into my year in music. One of those is Us, by Regina Spektor. It is one of my favorite songs ever. And it is by far her best song. Although don't get me wrong, she does have plenty of fantastic ones. But this is the best.

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