Friday, August 7, 2015

Aug 7 - Ryan Adams

After a relatively easy week, for some reason Friday turned out to be really stressful. I am so glad it's the weekend now. But I'm not even drinking because after last night's drinking my cold, which was getting better, is back and my throat is not happy. So I didn't even get a celebratory weekend drink. I will tomorrow, though. I didn't stop me from going out, though. I almost stopped me from going out, but my friend invited me to meet her and some of her friends, and she was at a restaurant/bar around the corner from the supermarket I had to go to, so how could I say no? So I hung out and drank tea, and it was really nice.

Another point of interest today was the weird rain. There's another tyhpoon headed our direction. We had a big one a few weeks ago, or at least what was supposed to be a big one and turned out to just be constant light rain all weekend. Today we had short bursts of torrential downpours, which are coming from the tail end of the largest typhoon of the year, which is passing near Shanghai but not over Shanghai. So we'll have a rainy weekend, unfortunately, but all the more reason to stay at home in my new apartment.

No more remixes for today's music. But in the theme of "things that I'm not always crazy about but sometimes happen to really, really like," today's song is from Ryan Adams. Ok, I should admit, I can't actually say I'm not always crazy about him. I haven't listened to that much by him. I heard last year's self-titled album, which was pretty good. And then yesterday I found out he released a new single a couple weeks ago, titled Willow Lane. The title track is pretty good, like most of his music, but the second track, Yes or Run, is fantastic. Then there's this weird third track that we can just not talk about. But Yes or Run, let's talk about that. And let's also talk about the fact that this guy put out an album last year, and has already put out like 5 singles this year, all of which have like 3 tracks, and all of which are (to my knowledge) new. At least they weren't on last year's album. Which means he's actually put out more music in singles this year than he did in an album last year. If that's not a fan pleaser, I don't know what is. So kudos to you, Mr. Adams. And thanks for this song.

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