Saturday, August 22, 2015

Aug 22 - Hop Along

Today was kind of bittersweet. It was my last day with my parents, which is sad, but I got to see a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a long time, including my good friends James and Lauren, who I'm staying with for the next couple of nights.

My parents and I started out the day with some more La Colombe coffee. It's a Philly institution, we've been told, and we've been having it every day. It's great stuff. In fact, I think I need to buy some of their beans to take back to China with me. My mom has also made friends with one of the barristas. She makes friends everywhere we go, though, so that's no surprise.

After the coffee, we tried to start the day with the Barnes Foundation, a quirky art museum, but we couldn't get in when we wanted, so decided instead to head down for a walk in Society Hill, which was (and it seems still is) the fancy shmancy part of town. We'd seen a lot of old architecture turned into houses yesterday during our walking tour, and even just walking around ourselves the day before, but this part of town is like proper houses where rich people lived back in the day. So it's a lot of beautiful, tree-lined streets, a lot of nice balconies and house fronts, and a lot of mezuzahs. Then was what was supposed to be a highlight of the trip: a Philly Cheesesteak at John's Roast Pork, which we'd been told by a couple people was the best. We, however, were not that impressed. The sandwich was good, but I think every other sandwich we've had (chicken parmesean sandwich at the same place, roast pork sandwich and beef brisket sandwich the other day) were all better. There was nothing at all wrong with the cheesesteak, I think we just aren't huge fans in my family.

After that we finally made it to the Barnes Foundation. It was a bit overwhelming actually. It's a pretty cool concept, overall. This guy (one Dr. Barnes) collected all kinds of art and knick-knacks and arranged them around his house, juxtaposing all kinds of European styles with each other, and even with other mediums (like furniture and jewelry) and other regional types of work (like African and Asian). The idea was to place things together which people would not normally expect, but which share similar elements. It was nice to see the connections in some places, and he did a great job with the symmetry, which is something that makes me very happy. But it was a bit overwhelming. It was just walls packed with things, which made it difficult to appreciate any one thing. And I think the tan walls behind made the whole place feel a bit drab, so I was kind of disappointed in the museum overall. But there were some great pieces. I learned today that I'm a fan of Modigliani and Cezanne. I also really, really loved The Postman by Van Gogh.

That was the end of touristy stuff, but the start of reunion stuff. James and Lauren came to pick me up and we went to Spruce Street Park for a pre-wedding party, so I got to see a bunch of friends from my old Beijing crew. More of that will happen tomorrow, today was pretty quick. And then it was off to dinner with my parents, a few farewells, and out to the suburbs for the night. It's been really nice to catch up with James and Lauren a bit, and we've got like the entire day together tomorrow since the wedding doesn't start until like 4pm, so we'll have more time then as well. Plus we're doing suburby stuff and eating Indian food, so I have that to look forward to. And a wedding. That will be fun, too.

The last thing today is music, which is the song Waitress by Hop Along. I know nothing about them, but James just recommended them to me and told me this song is good, so it is now my song of the day. James is the one who introduced me to Bon Iver, so he'll forever be high in my musical books for that, if nothing else. His exact words at the time were "go buy this album by this band Bon Iver and don't ask me any questions" and he was right and I never looked back. So here's to Hop Along.

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