Thursday, August 27, 2015

Aug 27 - Tei Shi

Today was quite a schlep. I had to get on a plane at like 10 and rush through 2 flights to get to New York and land at 4:30 then run onto a bus and get into the city as fast as possible to drop my bags off in order to hop in a cab and run uptown faster than humanly possible to make it to MoMa so I could go to the Tei Shi concert. The only concert I get to go to during this trip, by one of my favorite new artists, with one of my favorite old friends (Miguel), in a beautiful venue (the garden at MoMa). But I made it. Just barely. I actually missed the first two songs, but I got most of the show. Plus afterwards Miguel took me for a 3 Michelin star dinner at a Mexican restaurant that's supposed to be the best in the country. It was very different from my tacos last night, but holy shit. It was delicious. And there was this duck. God Damn. It was like a Peking duck made by a Mexican and put into a taco with salsa. Oy. So good. Everything was great. The food, the drink, the conversation, the nostalgia... It all was wonderful.

Anyway, because I made it to the concert, let's talk about Tei Shi. I've already done so this year and put both my favorite songs up, so we're going to go with another song instead. This one is Nature vs. Nurture, off of her first EP, Saudade. She only has 2 EPs, actually, Saudade and Verde, both of which are on Spotify and Soundcloud. So you have no reason not to listen to her. But we do need an album. Anyway, the reason I chose this is because it starts out so strong, then goes a bit downhill, then comes back at the end and is a solid song. But live, this song rocks. Tei Shi is definitely an artist who is better live than on record. She sounds fantastic, and despite the very mellow feel to most of her songs, she really brings them to life and rocks them out live. So go see her if you can. And if you can't, do what I (normally) do and listen to her on repeat.

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