Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mar 11 - Hiatus Kaiyote

Well, now I have a roommate. But I'm exhausted so I'll write more about it later when I'm not so exhausted. But I should also mention it's the 4th anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake, which happened in Fukushima, a place near and dear to my heart since I spent a year there on JET. So I definitely took more than a minute to think about that place and my time there.

But I'm not too exhausted to share the new single from Hiatus Kaiyote, Breathing Underwater off of their upcoming sophomore album Choose Your Weapon, an album I am super excited for. They already put out an EP back in December, and now we get this, which I think is even better than the EP. Seriously, just wait until 1 minute in when the drums start. Wonderful. So listen to it and get excited for what will hopefully be one of the best albums of the year.

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