Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mar 17 - Edith Piaf

Once again I'm drunk. This now marks 14 days in a row that I have gone with drink. It's kind of ridiculous. I swear I don't usually drink this much (although I do usually drink a lot). There's just been so many events and whatnot, that I have no choice. And surprisingly, I feel more drunk today having only drunk red wine than I did last night when I was drinking copious amounts of baijiu. What's up with that?

But, the drinking is now (maybe) almost over. We'll see my plans for the next few days. But it will definitely be over Friday. Cause I'll be on a plane on Friday. A plane to vacation. Vacation in South Africa.

But until then, I still have duties, both to work and to you. And the duty to you is giving you great music. And today's music, inspired by yesterday, is Edith Piaf. Much like Bob Dylan, I am not an Edith Piaf fan. Although, I am also not an Edith Piaf fan. Also much like Bob Dylan, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an Edith Piaf fan. But, I share this song because it came out of nowhere and has been stuck in my head all day. I honestly have no clue where it came from. But what a melody. La Vie En Rose. It's intoxicating. You listen to a song like this, and you realize how a song  becomes a classic. I also think it could be because she's French, because French women are intoxicating. As is France. There's just something about that place. I would live in Paris in a heartbeat. This song makes me want to live there even more.

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