Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mar 18 - Notorious B.I.G.

I have no idea why I didn't share this song yesterday. It was the song of the day. And the best moment of the day.

Yesterday I had my last customer event before going on vacation. Now, when it comes to customer events, Chinese are (much like in pretty much every other situation) rude. In other words, phones are not on silent. And that's in the best case scenario. I've been at customer conferences where some dude (and when I say some dude, I mean a millionaire who runs a massive construction company because those are the people who come to our events) lifted up one leg and let out a massive fart. That was an amazing day in my life. Sometimes there's nose picking, too. But yesterday beat it all. Yesterday, in the middle of the conference, someones phone went off. A normal enough occurrence. Except for that this time, when the random phone went off in the random city in a random Chinese province, the song that played was Big Poppa by Notorious B.I.G. You can't make this stuff up.

The only thing that ever beat this in the realm of ringtones is when I went to Huangshan 10 years ago (Huangshan, or Yellow Mountain, being a famous and very beautiful tourist spot in China), and while at the peak (literally at the peak, I am not exaggerating) some random Chinese dude's phone went off (because there is phone reception everywhere in this country, it's crazy) and played Hava Nagila. Chinese love us Jews, but that was on a different level. And I loved it.

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