Friday, March 20, 2015

Mar 20 - Tei Shi

It's been a while since I wrote a blog in an airport. I used to do it all the time, usually in Dubai. This time it's Singapore. I feel like it's impossible that I haven't written a blog at this airport before, but I'm not actually sure. Anyway, I'm here for the next 3 hours and I'm writing (not for the next 3 hours).

It's also been a while since I've written a proper blog. I've managed to keep up with my daily song, despite being crazy busy and often drunk over the last few weeks. But I haven't had the time or energy to actually write a full blog and share it. It's mostly because the last 3 weeks, ever since I came back from Japan, have pretty much been nonstop work and travel. We had a bunch of events going on that I was organizing, plus a few customer visits, and so it's been very busy. Not really worth talking about, it's just work anyway, but I am glad it's done and I'm on vacation for the next two weeks now. I will not be blogging in detail every day during this vacation, but do expect some hidden gems somewhere over the next couple weeks. And lots of animals. Both living and on my plate.

But the one big thing that happened in the last few weeks is I got a roommate. Well, roommate is still a very loose term, as she moved in like 10 days ago and we've only actually been in the apartment at the same time for 1 night. My friend Philana was looking for a place to stay for a while, so she's now moved in for a couple of months, and we'll see what happens from there. Although our first month we will never be together. She moved in while I was on a business trip. Once I got back, we had 1 day together then she left. Now I left today, the day she gets back. And once I'm back on April 6 I'll be on the road traveling for work again pretty much immediately (either the 7th or 8th. What am I doing to myself?).

I've been thinking a lot about this having a roommate thing. I feel a bit bad because I think that Philana is much more excited about this than I am. I'm not not excited about her, just about having a roommate. Which I've kind of hinted at but not sure I've explained clearly. And I feel bad because I don't want her to think I'm not excited about living with her or don't want her around. I'm just used to being on my own. But when I think about it, I actually think that we're going to be really good roommates. She's a great girl, it'll be really nice to get to know her better, she doesn't have hideous taste in music, I was drunk and naked when we met so I don't technically have to wear pants all the time (but I will, don't worry Philana!), and I feel pretty comfortable coming home and sitting around and not talking with her if I don't want to (which I never want to when I come home. I just want my brain to stop for a bit).

On top of all this, it will be really nice to have someone around. Since I'm traveling so much it's still been hard to meet people in Shanghai. And I definitely try to make the most of all my time when I am there and try to see people. Sadly it doesn't always work out. I feel like a lot of my friends really do like just chilling at home on weeknights. Or they can't commit to doing stuff. And I get kind of bummed out when I come back to town for only like 2 days and want to spend time with people I legitimately enjoy (instead of just customers and colleagues, which is all I do on these trips) and then I get stuck sitting at home alone. So it will be really good for me to have someone I enjoy, like Philana, living with me. So we'll see how it goes, but I think it will go well.

Because I haven't written a proper blog in the last few weeks, I also haven't shared my new favorite, that being Tei Shi. I usually save my favorites for longer blogs that I know I'm going to share on facebook because then I know more people will read them and hopefully listen to the music (cause in my opinion, that's the only reason we're really here). So I've been holding on to Tei Shi and I now hope that it works, cause she is a treat. Originally from Buenos Aires (see, she's super cool already), she's now based in the New York (of course) making lovely music that falls somewhere in between Sylvan Esso and Glasser. It's actually hard for me to pick what songs to share cause they're all so good, but we'll start with Nevermind The End off of her Saudade EP back in 2013.

This was the first song I heard by her just a couple weeks ago, and I'm upset it took me so long to find her. But at least I have now, and ran out to buy everything she's put out. Which is really just one EP. But she has put out a couple of singles off of a forthcoming EP, Verde, which will be available next month. But there's already a couple of great singles off of it, like Bassically.

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