Monday, March 2, 2015

Mar 2 - Sivu

It's been a crazy day today, but I have ten more minutes at the office, then I have to go home and pack for my business trip tomorrow, then I'm meeting people for dinner and drinks, then I have to sleep and wake up for my 8am flight. Which means I will not have time to write you anything fun later, and barely have time to do it now. So you just get this excuse plus a song.

And that song is Can't Stop Now, by Sivu. This Brit has apparently released an album already, but it's not available to us Americans. From what is available to us, I'm not sure how much I'll like him, but I do like this song a lot. Kind of Broken Social Sceney, which is never a bad thing. If you can find his album (i.e. if you're British, cause then it should be on your Spotify or something), let me know how it is. Cause I don't know when it's supposed to come out for me.

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