Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oct 1 - Boyz II Men

Today was simultaneously our most active and most lazy day. Being in Mestia, pretty much all there is to do is hike. But then it rained for most of the day, and we did not come prepared for rain. But we did come prepared with smartphones that can tell us the exact chance of rain every hour of the day. So we got an early start and got a hike in before the rain began.

Luckily we also have the car, so we saved some time by driving out of town to the trailhead, otherwise we would have had an additional 3 hours or so of walking to do, which would not have been scenic walking. So we drove out of town, parked the car in the middle of nowhere, and started walking. We were hiking along the Mestiachala River Valley, with the endpoint of our hike being the Chalaadi Glacier (which we didn't make it to and knew we wouldn't given our pre-rain time constraint). It was a gorgeous walk through the valley with mountains covered in trees of every color as autumn begins, and the river rushing down from the glacier beside us. Not shabby at all. We decided that the bare minimum we had to do before the rain was see the river, cross a suspension bridge, and get a view of the glacier, and we managed all of these things, plus made it back to the car just in time before the rain started. So we were very successful at accomplishing our bare minimum today. And all before 12:30!

After that, it was back to town for lunch and a movie marathon. After lunch we literally laid in bed for 5 hours watching movies until we went to dinner. It was great. It was like the perfect Sunday on a Thursday. We watched Pixels, which was actually quite good despite the reviews, and The Big Lebowski because it's a classic and there's a bowling alley in Tbilisi called Lebwoski (no joke, this place totally exists, google it) which I really hope we get to go to when we're back in Tbilisi. Then dinner. At the same place we had dinner last night and lunch today - CafĂ© Laila. It's one of about 2 restaurants in town, and it's really good. We did try to go to the other restaurant for dinner tonight, but after waiting 15 minutes for them to come and take our order, they told us they couldn't take any orders because they were too busy and we'd have to wait at least 45 minutes for food. So we went back to Laila, which was fine cause they have this awesome cheesey mashed potato dish that is apparently a Svaneti specialty and better than any other cheesy mashed potatoes you've ever had. Look it up, it's called tashmujabi. So good.

Today is another nostalgic music day. Last time was because Rei made me nostalgic. This time is because I let Rei pick any song from my iPod that she wanted, and that would be the song of the day. So today it's Water Runs Dry by Boyz II Men. Total classic. Those guys are the best. I saw them live once. Amazing. My friend who I went with cried on like six separate occasions during the show. Anyway, enjoy Rei's pick for the day, endorsed by me.

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