Saturday, October 3, 2015

Oct 3 - Sexwitch

Today was actually a long and tiring day, unlike yesterday. We were up and out quite early to go see a few places just outside Tbilisi. This time with little children in tow.

We started by heading over to Mtskheta (the M is silent. And there's a ch like challah in there. I wanted to tell you how to pronounce it but I can't even figure out how to write those sounds) to check out a few famous sites. First was Jvari Church, this very important church way up on a mountain that's visible for miles. It was built at the end of the 6th century by this lady Nino. She's very important here. She was the first convert to Christianity in Georgia when the Syrians took the place over way back in the day, then she spread the good word and was murdered. But this was one of her first churches so people love it. And being up high on the mountain it's also got great views of Mtskheta and the entire valley around it.

After the church we headed down into Mskheta to visit this farmers' market we heard about, which actually turned out to be pretty disappointing. But Mtskheta is super cute and actually maintained really nicely, unlike most Georgian towns. Most towns here are kind of falling apart and full of abandoned buildings, but Mtskheta is a UNESCO site so I guess they've got higher standards. The traditional houses in old town are really cute and well maintained, and they have another very important church, the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, which is probably the most impressive church I've seen in Georgia. No hidden Jesus in this one, though. Or in Jvari, actually.

Our next stop was Uplistsikhe, another ancient cave town sort of like Vardzia, but also not. And it was 3000 years old, which is pretty impressive. It's this whole cave city up on a hill with a huge church, which is also apparently very important. And also has no hidden Jesus. But it must be important because everyone was kissing the walls and relics as they were walking in and out and all around the church. It was pretty fun being there with Milo, Marc and Veronica's 3 year old. We climbed a lot, which is always good. And he liked to sit in these holes that we don't know what they're actually for but they're perfect size for Milo to climb in and out of and play in.

By the time we left it was like 2 and the plan was to eat on the way home, but then we almost ran out of gas so that became our priority. Then we were almost home so we just came home and got something to eat nearby. Which was fine, except that we were all getting hangry, so post-lunch energy lull turned into all of us sitting around on the couch not doing anything for a while. But then we did some souvenir shopping and I got myself an awesome set of Georgian drinking horns, which are super amazing and I can't wait to drink out of them tonight.

No music was listened to today, but I'm picking SEXWITCH again. The EP actually came out and it's amazing, so you get one of my favorites, which is Kassidat El Hakka (the other favorite, by the way, is Ha Howa Ha Howa)

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