Thursday, October 15, 2015

Oct 15 - Vieux Farka Touré & Julia Easterlin

Another pretty boring day at work. I've just been in the office all day. It's not fun. But I at least I've got stuff to do. Also I identified another job to apply to, this one at Disney. So I'll be doing that soon.

And until then, I'll listen to today's song on repeat. I think it might be one of my top tracks for the year. It's brought to you off the new album touristes, which is a collaboration between Vieux Farka Touré, who I have recently learned is apparently a really famous Malian musician with a famous Malian musician dad, and Julia Easterlin, who I have also found out is a not-famous girl from LA. From what I read she does loopy stuff like Tune-Yards, and any time you mention Tune-Yards you've got my attention. Anyway, this album touristes, is not at all like Tune-Yards. It's half Malian music, and half Malian influenced folky-singer-songwritery stuff. That's what Little Things, the title track, is, and it is beautiful. And the video is adorable. And you will want to listen over and over like me. 

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