Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Oct 28 - Jono McCleery

I didn't go to the office today because of doctors appointments, and I thought I wouldn't be going tomorrow and Friday cause of this training course I signed up for, but the class got postponed. Which means I'm back in the office tomorrow. Boo. But like I said, I've been busy so I guess it's good.

I did go and get my annual physical today, though. And I went for a teeth cleaning and dental check. I actually don't even know the last time I went to the dentist, but it was definitely high school or before. So like last millennium. I don't know why I waited so long. I think it just got to a point where I was nervous to go, and also I was travelling so much, so I just didn't. Plus there was nothing noticeably wrong. Well, as it turns out, there is nothing wrong. The two dentists who saw me were both amazed at how good my teeth are. When I mentioned how long it had been since I've gone to the woman who did my cleaning, she was sure she'd be having some fun cleaning me up. And the woman who did my check up took about 5 minutes, and then was telling me I have some of the best teeth she's seen, considering how long it's been. So yay for me! And thanks to my parents for the good genes.

I also went for some grilled cheese tonight with my friend Bryna. We had to have a bit of a chat, cause I've been quite frustrated with her lately. She's extremely flaky, and flakiness is a huge pet peeve of mine. And I realize that it happens sometimes, but it's been literally every time lately, and it's been extremely hard to stay positive about it. So we had a chat, which went very well, and she explained a couple things and hopefully will continue to explain things in the future instead of just flaking. I'm supposed to spend Halloween with her, which should be fun, cause she loves it and she's going to do my costume. We discussed a couple ideas, but basically it's all on her cause I'm terrible at costumes and will do whatever I'm told.

I listened to Jono McCleery's new album, Pagodes, today. I heard it on Spotify a couple weeks ago, and about 3 songs in I knew I needed to buy it. So I stopped listening on Spotify and bought it but only listened to it today. It's like a more orchestral version of Fink. So it was no surprise to find out he's on Ninja Tune, a label I love. He's actually exactly the right sound for them. Apparently Pagodes is his third album, but I'd never heard of him before. But now I want to go and hear everything by him. But an excellent introduction is This Idea Of Us, the opening track on Pagodes.

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