Monday, October 19, 2015

Oct 19 - SG Lewis

As suspected, today was not exciting. It's never very exciting when I'm just in the office. And I'm in the office this week until Thursday, but Friday I won't be, luckily. Which means I can talk about yesterday.

It actually started out kind of annoying. I went to my friend Graeme's houseparty on Saturday night, and left earlyish to come home because I had to be up at 8am on Sunday. There were a few things that had to be fixed around the apartment, so the contractor was coming. Of course he was 45 minutes late, though. And then after 5 minutes left for like 20 to go pick up his tools cause he came unprepared. Go figure. But at least things have been fixed.

After contractor it was brunch time. There's an Austrian restaurant called Dahliah's here in Shanghai, owned by an Austrian woman named Dahlia. She's got a family friend visiting, this Israeli guy named Daniel, who I met when I went for dinner last week. He's helping out at the restaurant and making Israeli food while he's visiting, so we went to have his Israeli brunch. Actually we went to eat his falafel, cause he told me he'd make it, but then he didn't. But then he said he's making it tomorrow, so maybe I'll go for dinner tomorrow night. Anyway he's hilarious. As soon as he saw me last week, the first thing he says is "What's your name?", then after I told him he just stares at me for a minute, and he goes "I grew up with a Russian Jew who looks just like you. Or are you Polish?" His Jewdar is spot-on. Although I do make it easy. Anyway, we ate his brunch, it was good, but it was not falafel. So hopefully falafel will happen tomorrow.

Then it was naptime followed by not applying for jobs. I intended to apply to this Disney job I found, but then I slept and started prepping cause I had a dinner party last night. A couple of my good friends missed out on my housewarming, and so they decided I'd be having another, which we turned into a Mexican feast. I actually did a lot of the cooking myself, which if you know me is pretty amazing. I made salsa and tinga, this chicken dish my mom makes and my grandma used to me, which I love. And then we had ceviche and guacamole and beans and rice and all the fixings to make tacos, and we also had quesadillas. It was a lot of food. I ate leftovers for lunch and dinner today, already made myself a couple quesadillas for lunch tomorrow, and will still get at least 1-2 more meals out of it. Also I have lots of ice cream now. So the food was fantastic, and so was the company. It actually turned out to be just me and like 7 women, somehow. But they were some of my favorite women. And I also made Micheladas! Almost forgot that. Turned out pretty good, too. Not as good as my favorite one, which is at this bar called Pocho's. I think mine needed more beer and more lime, and probably a little more hot sauce. But overall it was pretty good.

So that was my wonderful day. And then I didn't sleep well for some reason but had to still wake up early to go to the office. Blergh. At least I got some good, new music in today. SG Lewis, today's artist, comes from a Spotify system recommendation. Warm is the opening track off of his debut EP, Shivers, which is pretty great. I probably need to buy it, but I think I'm gonna end up listening like 3 more times before I actually do for no particular reason. Anyway, this guy is like 20 and is making the music that I thought Kwabs would be making. Apparently Kwabs has released his debut album, Love + War, which I was very excited for, but it's not on my Spotify. So I only listened to a playlist of preview tracks on Soundcloud, and found it somewhat underwhelming. But SG Lewis seems to have gotten his sound (and even similar vocals) down pretty well, so there's that. Also, he did a really cool remix of Magnets, which is one of my favorite tracks on the new Disclosure album. So I'll be keeping an eye on this guy next year for more.

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