Friday, October 23, 2015

Oct 23 - Shakey Graves

I worked from home today, which means I didn't really do too much work. I mostly did the bare minimum and planned to do 2 tasks that I want to complete, but then I watched tv. I've probably spent more time without pants on than I have with pants on today. Which is also nice cause Julia and I had another late night at Dahliah's (though not as late as Thursday), but again with no falafel. Frowny face. But good hummus and drinks and pasta and company. And a dog, but just for a bit. I did make it out of the house for lunch and to buy stain remover. I've been told about this burger place, Rachel's, around the corner from me. Turns out I passed it months and months ago and wanted to go but forgot where it was and never saw a name, and now I've been and it's great. So I'll definitely be going more. And I took a nap. Man, it's been fantastic.

And today, I'll finally tell you about Shakey Graves. This band's debut album, And The War Came, came out last last year, and I listened to it a bunch and never bought it, and then it came up again recently, and again I listened to it a bunch, but this time I actually bought it. It's a really good album, I don't know why I waited so long, honestly. So they've been put off for a year already, and then got bumped by Bayonne, and actually almost got bumped again today but I'll just do the other song I wanted to share today tomorrow instead. Family and Genus, today's song, is one of my favorites on the album, although I'm not sure how well it reflects their overall sound. They've got more of a southern/roots rock sound, in general, which in general is really great, but I really just love this song.

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