Thursday, October 8, 2015

Oct 8 - Mina Tindle

The first day back at work was a bit of a bore. I could have done more, but then I didn't. Oops. But I did start looking at jobs. Not because I'm actively looking for a job, but just because I've thought about looking for a job so I might as well see what's out there, right? I also spent an hour on Skype teaching my mom how to use Facebook. And I had a horrible video conference that I was sent the wrong documents for so felt very unprepared for. And I overcaffeinated myself, so by the end of the day I was simultaneously exhausted, jittery, nauseous, and unable to fall asleep on the shuttle. But then I had dinner and lots of beers and a whiskey and a hookah with Lizzy and I'm no longer exhausted, jittery or nauseous. I'd like to be exhausted. I want to go to bed. But I'm not tired for some strange reason.

Ok, that's enough listing of sort of random and only tangentially related things that happened today. On to music. I was actually surprised to see that I hadn't shared Mina Tindle sooner. I was sure I had earlier this year. I found out about her when she came through Shanghai. Sadly I didn't go to her show, but I did listen to her and buy her second album, Parades, which is really good. I think it's actually pop done right. It made me realize that it's not pop music as a genre that I have a problem with, per se, it's popular music, which is different in that pop music is just fun dancy music that everyone can get behind (but doesn't always), while popular music is the unimaginative, cookie-cutter sub-genre of pop music that every does get behind. And that's usually shit. In fact, as I write this Reptar is playing in the background, a band I fell in love with this year, and who I would classify as pop-rock, but with the pop part done right. Anyway, so Mina Tindle. She's French (which means I've already fallen in love with her), and I just found out that she collaborated with Bryce Dessner of The National on some songs on this album, including my favorite song on the album, Taranta, which I'm not sharing with you today. Why? Because since I'm using her as an example of good pop, I should use something more upbeat and poppy, which is one of my other favorite songs on the album, Pas les saisons.

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