Friday, October 30, 2015

Oct 30 - Moses Sumney

My plan to kill this cold hasn't worked. My throat still hurts, and I feel completely sapped of energy. This is terrible timing for tonight's supper club. But I'm not missing it. We'll see how much I drink though, it'll probably be limited. If any. I even left work early to come home and sleep for 2 hours and I still feel like I have no energy. What is going on?

Today's song is from Moses Sumney, another up and comer, who I always think of when I hear Bob Moses. I think you can see why. He's got 1 EP, Mid-City Island, which came out last year, plus a couple more singles from this year, and it's all really weird. The grows-on-you kind of good weird, though. Like TV On The Radio, but more out there. Even his voice is weird. I'm still not sold on the guy, but I'm getting there, and I think I really like him. Doesn't hurt that he also went to UCLA. No album on the horizon that I'm aware of, but he's definitely one to look out for next year. I feel like I should share Plastic with you, it's a great song and probably his most popular. It's also more accessible than some others. But I think I'm gonna go with Mumblin'. It seems to be his least popular track, but the most interesting one to me. And it seem the only way I can get the song to embed here is by embedding the entire EP. So you can listen to the whole thing, including Plastic and Man On The Moon, but just make sure you listen to Mumblin'. That's the only one going onto the Spotify playlist.

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