Saturday, November 14, 2015

Nov 14 - Reuben Hollebon

Today was a wonderfully lazy day. I felt a bit bad about it, because it was actually quite nice out, but it's exactly the kind of day I wanted. I was out quite late last night. My friend Jenny has friends in town, so we went to Mercato for dinner, one of Jean Georges restaurants here in China (and one of my favorite restaurants here in China). Then I didn't come home until this morning and just wanted to lay on the couch. Also I was supposed to have a bunch of deliveries today. So the idea was to do that while watching Masters of None. Started out well, but then Cy and Veronika stopped by and we ended up talking and juicing (with alcohol) and playing Katamari the entire day. It was fantastic! And Ozzie, their dog, was here, too. Doesn't get much better than that! And now it's time to get ready for an evening at Chi Fan for Charity, a charity (duh) event here in Shanghai which I'll tell you more about tomorrow.

Before that I need to play you a song and I have no idea what to play you. I feel like if you asked me 2 days ago I would have had like 4 songs to choose from. But now I can't think of anything. So we'll go with this guy Reuben Hollebon. He's been on my "drafts" list for a while, but only has 2 songs and then I just never went back and actually shared his music. As I said, he has 2 songs, the second of which, Haystacks, was released last week. The first of which, Faces, was released much earlier. Faces was the one I would have shared when it was his only song, but now that he has two I think I'm going to share Haystacks. It's quite dark and moody, and sort of reminds me of a darker version of Patrick Watson (which, now that I think of it, is one of the 4 people I would have said I want to share music by if you'd asked me a few days ago). I'm not sure how much I'll like Reuben Hollebon once he has more music, but I like him enough to pay attention at the moment.

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