Monday, November 16, 2015

Nov 16 - Grimes

This was quite the busy morning at the office. I had a bunch of stuff to take care of in like 2 hours, because for the rest of the day and all of tomorrow I was/will be in training. I actually don't need this training at all, but I'm glad for it because it's for our CRM project, which is finally rolling out. I was working on this project when I started with the company, and I'm no longer involved, but it's still nice to finally see it be implemented. Also, it's over a year behind schedule and should do a lot to help our business, so I'm glad to finally see it rolled out for that reason as well.

In this big rush this morning, I did find time to buy myself a ticket to Hong Kong for New Year! My friend Shuk-Wah just moved there recently, so I really want to go visit. Plus it'll be a new place to spend New Year, and you know my thing with New Year. I also don't think I've been to HK for fun in like 6 years. I've been a couple times for work, which always included a bit of fun, but this is just vacation. And it's the only trip I have planned at the moment, although once this trip is done and the new year begins, it seems like I'll be back on my crazy travel schedule. In addition to a bunch of events we have to plan in the first half of the year, I know I've got trips to the US in January, Germany in February (which should coincide with Chinese New Year which means I'm going to Scandinavia somewhere to see the Northern Lights! Bye, bye bucket list item!), and then I've also got Dubai in March (which will hopefully line up with a weekend so I can go to Jordan and see Petra! Bye, bye other bucket list item!) and Germany (again) in April. So it's off to a busy start next year. Assuming I stay with my company, anyway... But we just might know more about that on Thursday...

I have to say, Grimes impressed me this year. I have not been a huge fan of hers in the past. I feel like she's always put out great songs, followed by terribly disappointing albums, considering how great her singles have been. In fact, I'm a bit loathe to put her on the blog today because she's already been on once this year and I'm so torn about her, especially given all the hype she gets, which I don't think has quite been deserved. But her new album, Art Angels, is solid. This is more of that "good pop" music I talk about. It is quite poppy, but also inventive and interesting and creative. In fact, it's on the long list of my best albums for the year, which I'm currently working through to try and pare down to just 10. We'll see if Art Angels makes it, but it is a great album. And my favorite track on it is Flesh without Blood. Actually, Flesh without Blood and the track after it, Belly of the Beat, are my two favorites. It's a nice little couplet of songs. The video for Flesh without Blood has been coupled with Life in the Vivid Dream, an interlude at the end of the album, for some reason, so you can enjoy that one too, but Flesh without Blood is the only one for the Spotify playlist.

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