Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nov 29 - B.Miles

So it's been a pretty great weekend. I think I left off on my way to Pudong on Friday night. We met up with my Chinese friend for dinner, which turned out to be one of the best Shanghainese meals I've had. I'm not actually a big fan of Shanghainese food in general, but this place she took us was really great. Usually it's way too sweet and covered in heavy sauces, but not this one. Maybe it's just that I always order wrong, who knows, but this time I enjoyed it. Then we did a bit of bar hopping. On the way back from Pudong we stopped at the Bund to have a drink at El Willy, one of my favorite restaurants in the city. I know we'd just eaten, but you can't not eat at this place. It's fantastic. And it's Spanish tapas, so it's really just small, bite-sized things anyway. The plan after that was to take him to one of my favorite bars in town, Senators Saloon, but it was super packed. So we passed on that and hit up a couple more bars on the walk home. We actually ended up finding this bar called Uptown which I've been looking for and passed a million times without actually realizing it was the bar. I've been wanting to go cause they have this big record collection and you can basically play DJ. In addition, I learned on Friday that they also have two dogs and a great selection off well-priced import beers. So I definitely want to spend more time there.

Then yesterday was Thanksgiving dinner. Most of the day was just spent running errands and preparing, then people came over around 3 and from there it was all group cooking and preparing and lots (and lots and lots) of drinking. It was fantastic. There were 12 of us for dinner, followed by Cards Against Humanity, followed by passing out for like 11 hours. I can't believe how much I slept. I don't even know the last time I slept that much in one night. It was fantastic. Then today was grilled cheese, more beers, The Martian, and leftovers for dinner. I have so many leftovers. I'm gonna be eating them all week. Which is totally find with me.

I also got a bit of new music this weekend, and the artist that stands out the most is B.Miles (no space). She's a new artist from LA, and she put out her debut EP, twenty fifteen, a few months ago. The opening track, Nine Matches, is probably my favorite of her three songs, and I will definitely be putting her on my watchlist for next year.

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