Sunday, November 15, 2015

Nov 15 - Patrick Watson

I am quite sleepy today. Last night was Chi Fan for Charity, a charity dinner party that happens once a year. Basically, a bunch of restaurants donate a table for 10 (with booze), someone hosts the table, and you buy a ticket for varying prices depending on the restaurant to go and eat this dinner with the host and 8 other people. Then you go to an afterparty where there's free flow booze. So that was last night. We were actually only there until like 1:30, so I probably shouldn't be as tired as I am. But anyway, it was great. I had dinner at this Spanish place called Azul, right around the corner. The table was hosted by Natalie, the girl I've been seeing. Then the afterparty was at an art gallery, and all the different tables come together there, so I saw a few friends that were at dinner at other tables. After the afterparty the plan was to go to a bar and then KTV, but while Natalie and I were waiting for an Uber this crazy fight broke out between these 3 girls and this guy and his girlfriend in which the guy ended up hitting one of the girls and it was nuts. Many people interjected themselves, I was trying to keep the guy calm and keep him from continuing to get involved and making even more of a douche of himself than he already had, which didn't work very well. It was ridiculous. So that kind of ruined the mood, and we just went home instead of continuing on to the bar. But other than that, great evening!

And today I've just been hanging out and not doing much of anything. I tried a new South American restaurant, which was much better than I expected, and I finished watching Master of None, which was also much better than I expected and I had really high expectations to begin with. Fantastic show. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it all. It's fantastic. Unfortunately I have to go and pick up my colleagues soon who are in town from Germany and then take them out to dinner somewhere. And I have to do the same tomorrow and Tuesday night, too. Not really looking forward to it. The guy who's coming is nice and I've worked with him quite a lot (I don't really know the woman coming with him), I guess I'm just tired and would rather spend time with friends. Or Natalie. Or on my couch chilling out. Actually, I think it's the fact that I have to go all the way out to the train station to pick them up that's making me really not want to go see them. Otherwise it'll be fine. I just don't want that schlep.

My post yesterday made me remember to share Patrick Watson. He put out a new album, Love Songs For Robots, earlier this year. I've been listening to this guy for a few years, and I wouldn't say I'm crazy about him, he does make quite a lot that I don't like, but when he makes stuff that is good, it tends to be really, really good. Kind of like Regina Spektor, I guess. So he's got this new album, and my favorite song on it is called Bollywood. It's a pretty chilled out song, but wait until the 3:30ish mark and it gets really interesting. But in general, he's a pretty chilled out guy.

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