Friday, November 6, 2015

Nov 6 - St. Germain

Oh man, it's been a busy week. Except today, today wasn't busy, so that was great. I didn't go to the office cause of training, which I realized actually did not happen today, but I'd already got approval not to come in, so I didn't. Instead I had a great call with my financial advisor, exchanged money, and napped. And watched at on of TV. The nap was really important, because I was up at like 530 today, despite not having to be. First, it was a mosquito. The bane of my existence. I fucking hate those things. Then it was construction that began in my backyard at like 6:30. Awesome. So yeah, I was up very early, after getting home at 12. As I think I mentioned yesterday, I also only got like 3 hours of sleep the night before, so I was exhausted, but I have friends in town from Singapore so I was out with them last night, which went later than expected. It was great to see them, though, and I should be seeing them again tonight and maybe tomorrow (along with other Singapore friends who are in town this weekend. This is on top of Dave who I saw earlier this week, and another friend who I didn't get to see. Plus there's 3 birthdays this week. It's been a busy week! Ok, that turned into a long aside. Whoops). I've lost my train of thought. But that's ok, cause I'm just gonna give you some music then go to a birthday party.

That music is coming from St. Germain. As we all know, I like a bit of African music. I've shared some on the blog over the years, and wish I had  more to share. Well, St. Germain is not African music. He's a French DJ, whose real name is Ludovic Navarre. But he just put out a new album about a month ago, titled St. Germain, even though it's like his 5th or something, I think, in his 20 year career. It's the first time I'm hearing about him, anyway. For this album he's worked with a lot of African musicians to create a great blend of African sounds with electronic elements at times. It's a really unique and interesting album. How Dare You is the song that really caught my attention, and it's the perfect blend of the African music which seamlessly leads into his DJ roots at about the 4 minute mark, then just keeps building. Great track.

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