Monday, July 13, 2015

Jul 13 - the bird and the bee

It's almost time to go and sign this lease. Let's hope nothing goes wrong and it all works out. I'm still kind of sure it's not going to for some reason, but let's see. Wish me luck!

On a side note, I am incredibly itchy. I counted this morning and I have over 30 mosquito bites on my arms and legs. About 15 of them were received last Wednesday night while apartment hunting, and the other twenty or so were received yesterday while sitting outside drinking beer for hours. Nobody I was with got bit much. Mosquitos just love me. Fuckers.

For music today, it's an old one from the bird and the bee, who just released their third album, Recreational Love, last week. I gave it a listen today, it wasn't very impressive. In fact, I always give them a chance because their first song I ever heard, Again and Again, was so damn good. Still is. That's why it's today's song. Coincidentally, my good friend Carie just saw them last night in LA, while I was listening to them in China and deciding to make this song the song of the day.

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