Sunday, July 26, 2015

Jul 26 - Jai Paul

Another nice day today. Much more relaxed, but also very nice. I actually did manage to Skype my family, then had a nice bagel at the best named restaurant in China. It's called Traitor Zhou's (pronounced like Trader Joe's) Nonkosher Delicatessen. It makes me really happy. It's a fantastic name. Then it was nap time and massage time and dinner time and now I'm sitting at Santana's listening to the Linkin Park concert going on at the stadium down the road. I thought I should maybe put a Linkin Park song on my blog, but then I decided not to defile my blog in that way. I will admit, I did like Linkin Park in high school. But that was many years ago. And I just learned they have 6 albums. That's impressive, actually. Though I do assume they're all just the same thing with minimal changes to lyrics and song titles. Until now, I've recognized one song.

So my conundrum is trying to figure out something good to play you while I have this bad music flooding my ears. But I decided to use the old trick where I just pick a favorite artist and see if I've shared a song by them or not this year. And I have not shared a Jai Paul song this year. He only has 2, both of which are incredible. Maybe I'll share the other tomorrow. Today we'll start with Jasmine. There was supposedly an album that was leaked, but he said it wasn't his, and it did sound like him when I listened but it sounded like an album of demos or something. Which sucks because his two songs are both incredible and he really, really, really needs to make more music.

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