Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Jul 22 - The Oh Hellos

Jay's here! Picked him up last night from the subway and pretty much immediately took him for xiaolongbao. The best xiaolongbao. You too can get this treatment if you come and visit me. Just saying. And then it was drinks all night, finishing up with street food and convenience store beers. It was a great night. I definitely got too little sleep, but I drank a lot of coffee and had a meeting in the city this afternoon, so left the office maybe a bit earlier than was necessary (definitely a lot earlier than was necessary) to come back and have lunch with Jay. We went for chicken rice, at what is now like my new favorite restaurant. I tried it for the first time on Monday night, and now went back for lunch on Wednesday. And if I wasn't leaving for Beijing tomorrow for the next week, and only coming back in time to have like 2 days here before moving, I'd totally go so many more times before moving. It's so good. And tonight, one last meal with Jay, at a Hunnan restaurant that I've been told is good, before going to my friend's house party. This visit actually worked out quite well, because I pretty much only had to be at the office for half a day and was able to get some good time with Jay. And because of that was also able to stay out later than I probably would have otherwise on a school night. Same applies to tonight since I'm taking a train tomorrow so also don't have to be at the office. Good times.

Today's song is something I wanted to post last week, and then just kept getting sidetracked. The Oh Hellos are this brother/sister duo from Texas that make wonderful folk music, even if they have a terrible terrible band name. Think Mumford and Sons style, I guess. They have 1 EP (self-titled) and 1 album (Through The Deep, Dark Valley) that came out in 2012, and I love pretty much every song they've ever made. Actually, I think they also have a little Christmas album. But I'm not so into the Christmas stuff. Makes sense, though, cause I also think they're super Christian. I'm picking Like The Dawn for today's song, off of the album, cause it's a gorgeous one. But really all of their songs are fantastic. You can't go wrong. And it all seems to be on Soundcloud, which is always a bonus. So listen to this, and then go listen to everything else too. Good plan, Michael.

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