Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Jul 14 - Miike Snow

I officially have that apartment! It is gorgeous and I love it. It's a lanehouse (sort of, it's not in a lane and it's not in a house, but it's a lanehouse style apartment and it's only on the 2nd floor of a 4 story building, so it's close enough), which I never wanted. Not because I don't like them. They're wonderful. But they're usually on the ground floor, which means minimal privacy, and which means there's probably tons of rats and roaches and stuff. My place is on the 2nd floor, which is a bit better, but I spoke to friends who live on the 2nd floor and they've never had these problems so it's just me being paranoid.

Anyway, so I met the landlord last night and he showed me the apartment and some of the details, which made me love it even more than I already did. And I found out that it's in the historical register of buildings because it's an art deco building from 1942 designed by some famous architect. It's actually included on historical walks of the city. And it was the first serviced apartment building in Shanghai back in the day, so it used to be full of celebrities. My apartment was originally owned by some famous animator, he said. It's all in this book that's in the apartment and that I can't wait to read. I am so excited for this place. I'll post pics once I've got some of my own, not just ones from the realtor. Oh, and the landlord is an Australian restauranteur, which is great cause he's not local and he's doing something interesting in Shanghai. So many good things about this. I can't wait to be inside that place.

But for now, I'm inside Shenzhen, which is not as exciting. We have a VIP cocktail party and dinner tomorrow that I'm planning, so we get to stay at an extra fancy hotel. The Langham, to be exact. That's enough about work though. Music. Oh, but first, one great thing about fancy hotels in Shenzhen (I think just fancy hotels, not regular hotels and non-hotel places) is that internet isn't blocked! I'm on my blog and Facebook and Gmail and Instagram and Youtube all without a VPN! It's so nice. Ok, now music.

Today's music is Bavarian #1, off of Happy To You, Miike Snow's second album. I'm sure you know about these guys by now. They're the best. My friend put this song on at a dinner party the other night and I realized I hadn't listened to them in forever. So I started to do that on my flight today. And I'm sharing this song with you now, too, because it's a) one of my favorites and b) the one my friend Bryna played and it's also her favorite. Actually my favorite is Cult Logic off of their first album. Maybe I'll share that one later. But for now, Bavarian #1. Actually, I don't know why I didn't think to share this song back in April. You know, when I was in Bavaria. But anyway here we are now.

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