Friday, July 31, 2015

Jul 31 - Reptar

I didn't think I'd end up writing a blog today. I got home from work and my internet was barely working. That's kind of a thing here in China, internet that barely works. It happens from time to time. It's very annoying, especially when it decides to keep on not working, like it did for about 3 weeks back in June. That was probably the one time since I've been in Shanghai that I wanted to leave. And luckily I did, to the US, for a short vacation. Well anyway, internet is working now, luckily.

And not having the internet as a distraction was good, because I got a lot of packing done. A few friends came over tonight and helped me, and we probably got about 75% of everything packed up. Which is perfect, because now I've got the entire morning tomorrow to finish up (basically just the kitchen, my bedroom, and some random, small things). The biggest problem I'm facing is that the boxes I ordered are much bigger than expected. I ordered 4 small and 2 big. I got 4 big and 2 enormous. The enormous were good for like blankets and pillows and stuff, but the big are too big for some smaller things, which makes it a bit tough. Luckily I've got plenty of time to move also. I do want to finish up this weekend, and I'm hoping to get my suitcases across tomorrow with my friend Leping so that I can unpack them and bring them back to repack them. And then I can finish everything Sunday and get unpacked and moved in, and be resident in my new home. Wish me luck!

Other than that, today was mostly uneventful. I did next to nothing at work. And I listened to Reptar's new album, Lurid Glow, like 4 times. And the old one once. I wrote about them yesterday, and then I just kept listening. Over and over. So I'm sharing them again today, something I don't do often. I did it with Bomba Estereo and Anna B Savage. Now Reptar. I do have a lot of songs I love, and oddly the best ones are the ones that have the strongest 80s vibe to them. But it's great. I can't help it. One great example is No One Will Ever Love You, the opening track. I think it might be my favorite. But then, Every Chance I Get (yesterday's song) is also great. And Amanda is the one I first fell in love with, but it's probably the last "Reptar-y". But a great song, nonetheless. And Breezy. Go listen to them all. But start here with No One Will Ever Love You.

 I think my favorite part of it is the kind of echoey, windswept way he sings those last few lines. So wonderful. And for such a sadly titled song, it's so upbeat and fun. I should listen to the lyrics. Maybe I will now, cause you know I'm about to play it again.

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