Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jul 8 - Meshell Ndegeocello

I am not doing so well at the moment. I just had to cut dinner short and run home cause my stomach is not very happy with me. Not sure from what, though I guess it's the dumplings I had for lunch.

I'm also not in the best head space for some reason. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the post-vacation blues, but I feel like it's gotta be something more than that. I've been in a bad mood all week, and today I feel really angry. Which is weird, because I'm rarely angry. I think that in addition to the post-vacation blues, there's a part of me that's ready to not be in China anymore, and there's also a part of me that is pretty fed up with dating (something I've been trying for the last 8 months or so, unsuccessfully). Who knows what's really going on, but I think that my physical malady means that I can call in sick tomorrow, which will also count as a mental health day. For real mental health I should probably be spending time with some of my favorite ladies, one of whom I just had to cut dinner short on to run home and be near a bathroom. But I'll be getting more time with these ladies in the coming days.

Anyway, on to music. I also had a hard time finding music that put me in a good mood today, too. But I think the song that ended up soothing me the most was Bitter, by Meshell Ndegeocello. This is an old one, off of 1999's Bitter. It was the first album I heard by her, and I've been hooked since then. This woman is a genius. She can do (and has done) anything and everything musically. She is one of my all time favorites, and if you don't know her, you need to. As soon as possible. Just go buy her entire discography. She also just performed 3 shows like 2 weeks ago in Canada with My Brightest Diamond. I would have killed to be there. Two of my favorite artists together. It's not fair. Anyway, this is a sad song, but a very, very beautiful song. I guess it's fitting for my mood, which is why it soothed my mind.

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