Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14 - Dirty Projectors

This week has turned out to be a super busy work week. Which is good, because I like staying busy at work, but I just don't have enough hours in the (work) day this week. My work days are pretty limited because the office is in the middle of nowhere and I have to take the shuttle or I'll never make it home, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Days like today, where I actually want to work late, I can't. Most days, when I don't want to work late, I have no option to. So I guess overall it's ok. I just need to put in a bit of time over the weekend I think.

And today was especially long cause I ended up out late last night, as I mentioned. My friend Lizzy's parents are in town and she was supposed to have a dinner for everyone to meet them Tuesday, but then they had to reschedule until Wednesday. But on Wednesday, I already had a farewell dinner to go to for my friend Mathias, who's headed back to Sweden on Wednesday. I kind of didn't want to go to Mathias's, I really wanted to go to Lizzy's and meet her parents, plus I knew nobody at Mathias's. I'm very glad I went though, it was good to see him one last time. Although it was a bit weird to be the only American with 10 Swedes, all but 2 of whom are students. And for the first time in years, when we were figuring out the bill, I had to figure out what people who didn't drink beer owed. I had forgotten that's a thing. It made me realize how happy and lucky I am to be in a position that I don't have to be so concerned about money, and can just make my life, and the life of everyone around me, that much easier. It's great. I'm a lucky man.

Anyway, went to Mathias's, and then on my way home Lizzy told me she was out at a bar. So I went, even though her parents weren't there. What was supposed to be one drink turned into two, as it always does, and then I was home at midnight and up at 6. So I was very tired today. And very busy. Thank God for coffee.

And in the music world, it's an older song today. Well, not really old, 3 years old, but old in my world. It's Dance For You, which is possibly my favorite Dirty Projectors song. It's off of 2012's Swing Lo Magellan, a top 10 album for the year. This album and band are definitely a grower, not a shower, but once they've grown on you, you can't get over them. They're quite weird, although this is one of the less weird songs by them. Oddly, the show that I was watching today made mention of them and called them Math Rock. I've heard this term before. I'm not really sure what it means, but I didn't think it meant Dirty Projectors. But then I hate all these labels, so what do I know. I just like music. This music specifically.

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