Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7 - Wild Beasts

Well my one day in the office today was quite busy, and ended with a bit of an argument with another employee, which is sending me into the evening in not the best of moods, but it's all good. Had to be done, anyway. And after this one day in the office, I'm heading back to Beijing in the morning. At least I get another night at home tonight. But I'm up and out even earlier than usual so I can catch my plane. Boo. I'm gonna sneak a cheeky McDonald's breakfast though, don't tell anyone.

And in part 2 of my better late than never discoveries from last night is a new track from Wild Beasts called Woebegone Wanderers II. No clue what it's from. I doubt it has anything to do with a new album, since they just released one last year, but a boy can dream.

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