Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18 - SOS

I'm sitting at the airport in Shanghai waiting for my flight to Nanning, in Guangxi Province in Southern China, which is of course delayed. I'm actually not so upset that it's delayed, cause once I get there I'm just going to be visiting customers and doing some surveys and whatnot. Plus it's apparently super rainy all week down there, what with typhoon season having started. Plus they love to drink, so I'm afraid there's going to be a lot of baijiu for the next two nights. I went back in January, and they are still the biggest drinkers out of any of the customers I've visited around the country. And thus, I better write today's blog now, while I'm sober and have the time, rather than later when I very well may be drunk. But let's hope not. So for now, I'll write my blog.

And today I've picked She Wants, by SOS. SOS put out their eponymous sophomore album last year, after changing their name from Shadows on Stars, which is the name they used on their previously eponymous debut album. I don't know why they went for a name change, but they also went for a big sound change between albums 1 and 2. I like the sound of both, though. The first album was much more upbeat and quirky, with influence from a wider variety of musical genres, whereas the new one is more chilled out electric R&B style, a la The Weeknd or something. But it's still great stuff, and I still love this band. I was actually very surprised to find that I'd never blogged about them before, I was sure I had, especially back when I heard their first album, but anyway now you know.

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