Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30 - Wilsen

I only have a 1 day weekend this weekend, but I made a day of it indeed. It was fantastic. After a night at home doing nothing on Friday, I got out and did not come home all day on Saturday. I started out at Japanese language exchange this morning, which was not as good as last week. I had some really good chats last week, most of them in Japanese, but this week the people I met last week weren't there. I still had some good chats, not as good but good, but mostly in Chinese, unfortunately. So that was a bit of a bummer. But I did get some Japanese in, which was necessary.

After that, I spent the rest of the day with y friend Bryna who just moved to town. We know each other from Beijing, and she's now down here in Shanghai. We started out with lunch at this place I've been meaning to try, and from there it was a long walk (by choice) to go get her a new bike, then a lot of biking and some art. We biked up to M50, which is like a little arts district up north of where I live. We wandered around a bit and saw a few galleries, which were mostly just ok. We also found a great little cafe to stop in at for a coffee, and it turns out we got stuck in the middle of a very long, drawn out engagement. It was pretty cute. The guy had arranged for the girl to show up at this cafe, then they put on that Bruno Mars song and all her friends walked in and gave her roses, then her family showed up and there was this video, and then he came and proposed. It was pretty cute, but maybe a bit too long.

The best part of the day, though, was after the engagement. We kept wandering down a little alley in the art district and stumbled into a small gallery with some awesome paintings. Bryna and I both liked them a lot, so we started chatting with the artist, and that turned into like a 20 minute visit, during which time he showed us all his calligraphy and other stuff, and even invited us to go and learn calligraphy from him (side note: his art that drew us in was not even close to calligraphy, but apparently he's been doing calligraphy since he was 7 and so he was telling us how he uses similar strokes and styles in creating his modern art as calligraphers would use). So I think next weekend we're going to learn calligraphy from our new friend! And I also want to buy his art, but it is expensive. And I've never bought art. So yeah. Then the day ended with grilled cheese, and now I'm home to pack and go to bed early because I have a 7 am flight. So, 1 day weekend, but I made a fantastic day of it, and I'm super glad to have Bryna in town. If this first day together was any sign, we are going to have some excellent times together.

As for the music, it is inspired by yesterday's selection of Daughter. When I went to get the song off of their Soundcloud, I noticed that they had shared a song by a band called Wilsen. I have never heard of Wilsen, but I sure am glad I have now. Wilsen has put out a new single this year, called Garden, which is the song Daughter shared. It took about five seconds of me listening to go "Woah". That doesn't happen much, but this song did it. And now I'm listening to their previous EP, called Magnolia, and next for me to listen to will be their "mini-album" Siren (I use quotations because it's actually 9 tracks and 40 minutes, which some people consider a full album, so I'm not sure I'd call it mini).  So thanks to Daughter for introducing me to this wonderful music. And also for just being your wonderful selves.

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