Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 26 - Bhi Bhiman

Today turned out to be quite the busy day at work. I did feel very productive though, which I always love. And then I came home and watched Game of Thrones, and am so happy with how the newest episode ended. Finally Cersei's storyline is starting to follow the book, when events earlier in the season made it seem like it would be very, very different. So I'm pretty happy about that.

As for music, today is Moving to Brussels, by Bhi Bhiman. I don't know much of anything about this guy. He just put out an album last week and it's on a playlist of new music that I listen to on Spotify. I don't listen to everything on that playlist obviously, but I wanted to listen to the new Hot Chip album (not great) and the new Tanlines album (pretty good) that are on the playlist before Bhi Bhiman. And then of course Bhi Bhiman just came on. He put out this album Rhythm & Reason, which is meh, but the opening track, Moving to Brussels, is a lot of fun. When I just had music playing in the background, this song definitely made me stop and listen. From there, the album has some ups and downs, none as high as this, but this song is pretty great.

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