Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 3 - Ladi6

I am in Korea having a wonderful time, but with no internet at home at the moment. So I didn't share a song yesterday, which at first I was like "shit this isn't the first time I've missed a day this month" and then just now I realized it's May. So a) I'm still doing ok, and b) that's totally crazy that it's May.

But yeah, Korea is great. I haven't really done much of anything, except wander the city with Jay and eat everything. We had this amazing kimchi and tofu thing the first night we arrived, and a ton of makkeoli, which is unfiltered rice wine that looks kind of gross but tastes great. And it was served in these really awesome bottles which I wanted to steal. Yesterday we ate fried chicken for lunch, which I promise is a Korean thing. Koreans make delicious fried chicken. Can't get enough. Then we had an afternoon snack of Korean tacos, cause apparently that's a thing here too, followed by Korean BBQ for dinner. And then more drinking and some bowling. Good times all around.

And now for a song. For today, we are once again just picking whatever random song plays on my Spotify. And that song is Ikarus, by Ladi6. A great song by an otherwise mediocre band.

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