Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dec 10 - Shura

I thought I'd be having a boring day at the office today, but it was far from it. The morning was pretty slow, but I think that was more due to me not being able to wake up this morning, for some reason. So luckily I got busy and the day went quickly. And now I figured I might as well write a blog before going out on this date, since I don't know when I'll be home. But I actually have no clue what song to share, so I just wrote this paragraph, and then I'm gonna leave and figure it out while I'm gone, and come back and write about the exhibit and date.

Before I go, other fun things that happened today are I got recommendations for a good tailor. Finally! I think I'll try to go this weekend. Actually, I won't have time to go this weekend. I'll probably end up going next week sometime, or next weekend. And also my sister bought her ticket to China for next June, so now that's the whole family. My parents come June 1 - 24, and my sister June 8 - 23. It'll have been 5 years for my sister and 6 for my parents, so I'm excited to have them come!

Ok, I'm back. Date went well. Very well, This was number 2. I guess there'll be a number 3. We went to a show opening at MOCA that I got invited to, although we went up for snacks and wine first, without realizing the gallery itself was going to close, so we missed most of the art. But what we did see was very cool. It was this Korean artist who does hyperealistic paintings. I love that stuff, so I really do wish I got to see more. I'll probably try to go back before the show is over, though. And we met the artist and he was wearing a sparkly silver suit, so that was awesome. Both meeting him and his suit. And I confirmed she is not a Trump supporter, so even if I don't date her, I don't have to cut her out of my life.

I still have no idea what song to play today. Oy. OK. I have some ideas, but the problem is I don't know what song exactly to pick. So I'll pick a mediocre artist who had a song that caught my attention. So today you get to listen to White Light by Shura. Done. I actually wanted to share an artist I like more, but I didn't know which song to share by any of these artists I had in mind. Oh well. Goodnight!

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